The Cause

The purpose of this charity is to support for people suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease or A.L.S.).

Here’s a short video to help you understand how the disease works:

My grandmother suffered from this disease. She was the most amazing person in the world. She was married with my grandfather for over 50 years, had 3 children & 4 grandchildren that she loved more than herself, she made the most amazing tomato soup and she always helped the people around her.

My grandmother supported me through the early  years of college, helped me through very difficult times, was always there for me when I needed it, and impacted my life ways that I cannot describe. Several years have gone since she passed and I still miss her every day and wished there was something more I could have done for her. I am certain that most of  you have parents and grandparents that you care about and you want to do everything you can to help them enjoy their life. It’s very difficult to see someone suffering from a disease that you cannot stop. To see them slowly lose their ability to walk, speak, and finally, breathe. A.L.S. can affect people both old and young. Currently, there is no cure for A.L.S. and no effective treatment to halt, or reverse, the progression of the disease. The good news is that huge breakthroughs are being made in ALS research.

We’re getting closer every day, but there is still progress to be made. As more is understood about the biology of the disease, we will have the ability to develop increasingly effective treatments. 

A few years from now we might be able to completely cure ALS, but for this to happen we have to work together!


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  • Donations will be open for two weeks (12.08 –  26.08). Everything I manage to gather will be donated on 27.08 together with the viewers.
  • I will do my best to cover the commissions, taxes, and fees..

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